I am a landlord of a business. I don't want to renew my lease but the contract says the lesee has the option?

I dont want to renew my lease to the teneant. But the contract paper says teneat has the option to renew the lease. Any suggesstion what are my rights.

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    3 thoughts on “I am a landlord of a business. I don't want to renew my lease but the contract says the lesee has the option?”

    1. true that they have an option to renew the lease IF you wish to release the contract with them lol

      when the lease is up, it’s up to you whether you want to give the option to the tenant
      another way you can always hike up the rent LOL =) and change the terms

    2. Of course your tenant has the right to move when the lease ends and not renew. Just like you have the right to not renew the lease. Make sure you give them your intentions in writing 30 or 60 days before the lease expires.

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