Tag Archives: Issue 2

Recession is WORST TIME to cut public workers

Wendy Patton of Policy Matters on why a recession is the worst possible time to cut the earnings of average public sector workers, or to lay them off. During a recession, when the private sector is laying people off, having people employed in the public sector can help stabilize the economy. The purpose of SB5 is to pave the way for such brutal cuts to public workers that the ability of workers to have collective bargaining must be crippled in order for it to happen. Those cuts are not going to save average tax payers any money (because the right wing will continue to spend our tax money on higher salaries for those at the top of the political world, and the right wing will continue to give subsidies and tax payer funded favors to their corporate cronies.) What those cuts will do is cut of money that flows into our economy, causing the middle class to struggle even more, and have even fewer government supports available. Make sure to get out and vote NO on Issue 2 this NOvember 8th. Protect the middle class in Ohio!

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