I have a lease option in las vegas contract is for 335,000 house appraised for 282,000 can I get out of option

without dinging my credit or being sued for early termanation.

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    4 thoughts on “I have a lease option in las vegas contract is for 335,000 house appraised for 282,000 can I get out of option”

    1. If it is truly a lease option, yes. But your ‘early termination’ comment is troubling to me, sounds like you are trying to break the lease also.

      Take your contract to an attorney.

    2. If it’s truly an option, then you are not contractually required to buy. An option is a right, not an obligation, to make a purchase. Think of stock options.

      However, my answer applies only if it is a true option. There are a lot of real estate agreements out there that purport to be options, but really aren’t.

      Oh, another thing: I’m only talking about the actual purchase. If you have a lease, you can’t terminate that without being liable for breach of contract damages.

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